
What is a bichectomy?


It consists of the elimination of the fat balls that we have inside the cheeks in order to obtain a more beautiful face. Initially described in 1732 by Heister, it was later analyzed in 1801 by the French anatomist Xavier Bichat.

It has a biconvex shape and is located in the buccal space limited by the bucinator muscle on the inside, the facial muscles on the outside, and the parotid gland behind it. Despite losing weight, this fat persists due to a different metabolism from its fat. It measures between 7 and 8 ml on average. Its elimination or “Bichectomy” produces a youthful and aesthetic appearance by harmonizing the face


Who is the ideal candidate?

The ideal candidate is the patient who has high and well defined cheekbones, but hidden due to too prominent cheeks causing excessive roundness and heaviness.

Improves the appearance of the middle third of the face, defining more cheekbones and cheeks. Therefore, we advise against it in patients with small or poorly defined cheekbones. Therefore we do not recommend it in patients with small or poorly defined cheekbones.